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Please guide me in detail about the Hajj as i will be performing Haj-e Tamattu. PDF Print E-mail

Q: 33 – Title: Please guide me in detail about the Hajj as i will be performing Haj-e Tamattu.



I live in jeddah and planned to perfomr Hajj this year InshaAllah.I follow Hanafi Masalak.
Please guide me in detail about the Hajj as i will be performing Haj-e Tamattu.
As far as i know in Haj E tamattu people who are living in Jeddah can perform Tawaf-E Qadom,Saee one week prior to 8th
and remove Ahram and can come back ,then can go to Mina directly on 8th and perfrom the remainitgn Arkaan as usual.
Please guide in detail step by step.

Jazak Allah.


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh

We make du’a that Allah Ta’ala bless you with Hajjul Mabroor, Ameen.

We understand from your query that you are a resident of Jiddah and intend to perform Hajjut Tamatu’. The Fuqahaa (Jurists) of the Hanafi mazhhab have stated that it is not permissible for a resident of Makkah and those staying within the boundaries of the Miqaat to perform Hajjut Tamatu’. Jiddah is located in the Hill which is within the boundaries of the Miqaat. Hence, it will not be permissible for you to perform Hajjut Tamatu’.

(Manasik Mulla Ali Al-Qari, pg 274, Idaratul Quran / Al-Hidaya, vol 1, pg 263, Maktaba Shirka / Fatawa Mahmudiyya, vol 10, pg 387, Faruqiyya / Fatawa Rahimiyya, vol 8, pg 94, Darul Isha’at)

As a resident of Jiddah, you should perform Hajjul Ifrad, as stated by the Fuqahaa i.e. to don Ihram for Haj only. In this type of Haj, as a resident of Jiddah (which is within the Miqaat), you are not required to perform Tawaaful Qudum and Sa’ee prior to the 8th of Zul Hijjah. In fact there is no Tawaaful Quduum for a resident of Jiddah. Rather, you should don your Ihram from Jiddah and proceed directly to Mina on the 8th of Zul Hijjah and carry out the rituals of Haj as normal.
(Al-Hidaya, vol 1, pg 242, Maktaba Shirka / Mu’allimul Hujjaj, pg 161, Idaratul Quran)

فصل في تمتع المكي : أي في حكم تمتعه ومن في معناه (ليس لأهل مكة) أي المقيمين بها (وأهل المواقيت) أي نفسها وما حاذاها (ومن بينها وبين مكة) أي بين الحل من داخل المواقيت وبين الحرم المحترم (تمتع) (مناسك ملا على القاري ص 274,ادارة القرآن)
ومن كان داخل المواقيت فهو بمنزلة المكي حتي لا يكون له متعة ولا قران (الهداية 1/263)
وليس علي اهل مكة طواف القدوم لانعدام القدوم في حقهم (الهداية 1/242)
ومن كان داخل المواقيت فوقته الحل (الهداية 1/235)

And Allah knows best


Ml. Talha Desai,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

Can a Hajj-e-badal be made for a deceased person who had already done their Hajj in their lifetime? PDF Print E-mail

Q: 32 – Title: Can a Hajj-e-badal be made for a deceased person who had already done their Hajj in their lifetime?


Can a Hajj-e-badal be made for a deceased person who had already done their Hajj in their lifetime?


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh

It is permissible to perform hajj on behalf of a person who has already performed his fardh hajj. If the deceased made a bequest, then the expenses will be paid from a third of his estate. If he did not make a bequest, the person who intends to make hajj for him shall bear the expenses and pass on the reward to the deceased.

مجمع الأنهر في شرح ملتقى الأبحر - (ج 1 / ص 309) إحياء التراث
ومن حج عن غيره بغير أمره لا يكون حاجا عنه بل يكون جاعلا ثواب حجه له ونيته عنهما لغو وللإنسان أن يجعل ثواب عمله لغيره في جميع العبادات هذا وقع في معرض العلة لما قبله

مناسك ملا علي قاري 454
(و لو أوصى أن يحج عنه) أي من ماله (يحج عنه بثلث ماله) أي سواء قيد الوصية بالثلث بأن قال: بثلث ماله أو أطلق أن يحج عنه

And Allah knows best


Ml. Ishaq E. Moosa,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

Inshallah me and my wife will perform Hajj this year, Although i have a good earning but still iam short of some money for Hajj and i am taking it from my friend as a loan so that i.... PDF Print E-mail

Q: 30 – Title: Inshallah me and my wife will perform Hajj this year, Although i have a good earning but still iam short of some money for Hajj and i am taking it from my friend as a loan so that i....


Inshallah me and my wife will perform Hajj this year, Although i have a good earning but still iam short of some money for Hajj and i am taking it from my friend as a loan so that i could return it to him after HAJJ; i just want to know that :

1. Can the HAJJ will be acceptible if i borrow this money as interest free loan from a friend, this would only be 20% of total expenditure.
Because i don't want to miss this HAJJ option this year also no one knows who will live till next year so that's why i decided to take some loan and perform HAJJ if ALLAH has given oppotunity to me.

Also please tell is HAJJ in young age as me and my wife are in 20s now is better than HAJJ in old age ? We have one year child who will be with us during HAJJ, do i have to say "niyat" for him also before starting HAJJ (i believe his HAJJ is not valid without AHRAAM) ?


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh

1.       Haj is not fardh on you as you do not have the financial means to perform haj now. However, if you take an interest free loan and perform haj, the haj will be valid.

You have expressed a concern of not being alive the following year to perform haj, you should have the same concern regarding the payment of your debt before death.

2.       There is much mujahada (exertion) during haj. Good health and energy of a young person makes haj easier. However, the spiritual strength of many elderly people in hajj surpass the physical strength of young energetic people.

And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best


Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

If a woman used to loose hair continously, what is the ruling regarding loosing hair in the state of ihram speacially during ablution?...2. On 10th of Dhul-Hijja what is the sequence to perform stonning, sacrifice, shaving and Tawaf-e-Ziyara. Is it permis PDF Print E-mail

Q: 31 – Title: 1. If a woman used to loose hair continously, what is the ruling regarding loosing hair in the state of ihram speacially during ablution?...2. On 10th of Dhul-Hijja what is the sequence to perform stonning, sacrifice, shaving and Tawaf-e-Ziyara. Is it permissible to do the Tawaf first with Ihram?


My question regarding hajj:

1. If a woman used to loose hair continously, what is the ruling regarding loosing hair in the state of ihram speacially during ablution?

2. On 10th of Dhul-Hijja what is the sequence to perform stonning, sacrifice, shaving and Tawaf-e-Ziyara. Is it permissible to do the Tawaf first with Ihram?


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh

1) If one scratches the head or beard and hair falls off unintentionally, then the person should pay some sadaqah. The person will not have to pay a damm.
وإذا حك المحرم رأسه أو لحيته فانتثر منها شعر فعليه صدقة كذا في السراج الوهاج .
(Fatawa al-Hindiyya, 1/268, Ilmiyya)

ولو أخذ شيئا من رأسه أو لحيته ، أو لمس شيئا من ذلك فانتثر منه شعرة فعليه صدقة
(Baddai' al-Sanaai', 2/421, Darul Kitab Deoband)

2) On the 10th of Dhul Hijjah, stoning, sacrifice, and shaving must be done in order. Tawaful-Ziyarah is not in the tarteeb (order). It is makruh to perform the tawaf before stoning. However, if it is done in that time there is no penalty upon the person. One may also perform the tawaf after stoning and before the sacrifice and shaving. If this is the case, the tawaf must be done in the state of ihram. If the stoning, sacrifice, and shaving have been completed, then one may perform the tawaf out of the state of ihram.
( والترتيب الآتي ) بيانه : ( بين الرمي والحلق والذبح يوم النحر ) وأما الترتيب بين الطواف وبين الرمي والحلق فسنة فلو طاف قبل الرمي والحلق لا شيء عليه ويكره لباب ، وسيجيء أن المفرد لا ذبح عليه وسنحققه .
(Darrul Mukhtar, 2/470, HM Saeed)

( قوله والترتيب الآتي بيانه إلخ ) أي في باب الجنايات حيث قال هناك : يجب في يوم النحر أربعة أشياء : الرمي ، ثم الذبح لغير المفرد ، ثم الحلق ، ثم الطواف لكن لا شيء على من طاف قبل الرمي والحلق نعم يكره لباب كما لا شيء على المفرد إلا إذا حلق قبل الرمي لأن ذبحه لا يجب ا هـ وبه علم أنه كان ينبغي للمصنف هنا تقديم الذبح على الحلق في الذكر ليوافق ما بينهما من الترتيب في نفس الأمر ، وأن الطواف لا يلزم تقديمه على الذبح أيضا لأنه إذا جاز تقديمه على الرمي المتقدم على الذبح جاز تقديمه على الذبح بالأولى كما قاله ح .
والحاصل أن الطواف لا يجب ترتيبه على شيء من الثلاثة ولذا لم يذكره هنا وإنما يجب ترتيب الثلاثة الرمي ثم الذبح ثم الحلق لكن المفرد لا ذبح عليه فبقي عليه الترتيب بين الرمي والحلق .
(Raddul Muhtar, 2/470, HM Saeed)
(Fatawa Mahmudiyya, 10/349, Faruqiyya)

And Allah knows best


Ml. Asif Umar,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

How early Tawaf-e-Qadum can be done? Is it required to do it on 8th of Dhul-Hijja or it can be done on 7th and earlier? PDF Print E-mail

Q: 29 – Title: How early Tawaf-e-Qadum can be done? Is it required to do it on 8th of Dhul-Hijja or it can be done on 7th and earlier?


How early Tawaf-e-Qadum can be done? Is it required to do it on 8th of Dhul-Hijja or it can be done on 7th and earlier?


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh

Tawaaf-ul-Qudum is the tawaaf performed upon arrival in Makkah Mukarramah. It is not necessary that this tawaaf be performed on the 8th of Dhul Hijjah. It may be performed anytime in the months of hajj, i.e. Shawwal, Dhul Qa'dah, and the first few days of Dhul Hijjah. If one is performing a tamattu' or qiran hajj, then the tawaaf done upon arrival in Makkah will suffice as tawaaf-ul-qudum.

اعلم بأن الطواف أربعة ثلاثة في الحج وواحد في العمرة : أما أحد الأطوفة في الحج فهو طواف التحية ، ويسمى طواف القدوم وطواف اللقاء ، وذلك عند ابتداء وصوله إلى البيت ، وهو سنة عندنا
(Al-Mabsut al-Sarakhsi, 2/667, Darul Fikr)

وينبغي أن يزاد في أشهر الحج ولم يقل أن يحرم بهما بل ذكر أداءهما ، فعلم أنه ليس من شرط التمتع وجود الإحرام بالعمرة في أشهر الحج ، بل أداؤها فيها أو أداء أكثر طوافها ، فلو طاف ثلاثة أشواط في رمضان ثم دخل شوال فطاف الأربعة الباقية ثم حج في عامه كان متمتعا فتحرير الضابط للتمتع أن يفعل العمرة أو أكثر طوافها في أشهر الحج عن إحرام بها قبلها أو فيها ثم حج من عامه بوصف الصحة من غير أن يلم بأهله بينهما إلماما صحيحا .
(Fathul Qadeer, 2/421, Rashidiyya)

ثم إن كان المحرم مفردا بالحج وقع طوافه هذا للقدوم وإن كان مفردا بالعمرة أو متمتعا أو قارنا وقع عن طواف العمرة نواه له أو لغيره وعلى القارن أن يطوف طوافا آخر للقدوم
(Raddul Muhtar, 2/494, HM Saeed)
(Imdad-ul-Fatawa, 2/163, Maktaba Darul Uloom Karachi)

And Allah knows best


Ml. Asif Umar,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah


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