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Please advise what is the proper way to make your niyah when intending to go for Hajj? Is it sufficient to say out loud that you intend to go on hajj? PDF Print E-mail

Q: 38 – Title: Please advise what is the proper way to make your niyah when intending to go for Hajj? Is it sufficient to say out loud that you intend to go on hajj?


Please advise what is the proper way to make your niyah when intending to go for Hajj? Is it sufficient to say out loud that you intend to go on hajj?


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Intention is from the heart. If one has the intention to perform Hajj in his heart, that is sufficient. He does not have to verbally state his intention. However one of the conditions of entering into the state of Ihram is to verbally mention the talbiya i.e.:
لبيك اللهم لبيك لبيك لا شريك لك لبيك ان الحمد والنعمة لك والملك لا شريك لك
َأَمَّا شَرْطُهُ وَوَاجِبَاتُهُ فَشَرْطُهُ النِّيَّةُ ، وَهُوَ أَصْلُ النِّيَّةِ دُونَ التَّعْيِينِ ، وَأَنَّ نِيَّةَ الْحَجِّ عِنْدَ الْإِحْرَامِ كَافِيَةٌ ، وَلَا يَحْتَاجُ إلَى نِيَّةٍ مُفْرَدَةٍ كَمَا فِي سَائِرِ أَفْعَالِ الْحَجِّ ، وَكَمَا فِي أَفْعَالِ الصَّلَاةِ .

[Badaiu sanai V 2 PG 308 Darul Kitab Deoband]

[Sharhul Wiqaaya Pg326 Al Misbah]

And Allah knows best

Wassalam u Alaikum

Ml. Ebrahim Desai,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

How Should A Woman In Menstruation Perform Her Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat If She Has To Leave Makka Before Her Menstruation Ends?She Cannot extend Or Delay Her Flight? PDF Print E-mail

Q: 37 – Title: How Should A Woman In Menstruation Perform Her Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat If She Has To Leave Makka Before Her Menstruation Ends?She Cannot extend Or Delay Her Flight?


1)How Should A Woman In Menstruation Perform Her Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarat If She Has To Leave Makka Before Her Menstruation Ends?She Cannot extend Or Delay Her Flight?

2)Can Tawaaf Be Performed In A Helicopter,Just Like Wuqoof Of A Sick Person Is Done With Him In The Helicopter?Or Does One Have To Be On The Ground To Perform The Tawaaf?


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh

1. It is not permissible for a woman to perform taw?f while in menstruation (Fat?w? Mahm?diyyah 10/372; Far?qiyyah).  She should try her best to extend her stay and perform her taw?f al-ziy?rah in a state of purity.  She may also take pills that suppress the period after consulting with an experienced Muslim doctor.  If feasible, she may also return at a later date to perform the taw?f (Fat?w? Rah?miyyah 8/136; Ish?'at).  But, until she returns, she is not allowed to have marital relations.
After exhausting all avenues, if she decides to perform her taw?f al-ziy?rah in the state of menstruation, her taw?f will be valid, but she has to sacrifice a camel as a penalty, in additional to asking All?h Ta'?la for forgiveness.  However, if her period ends before she leaves, it will be compulsory for her to redo her taw?f al-ziy?rah, after which her penalty will drop.

(وحيضها لا يمنع) نسكا (إلا الطواف) ولا شيء عليها بتأخيره إذا لم تطهر إلا بعد أيام النحر
(al-Durr al-Mukht?r 2/528; Fikr)

فأما الطهارة عن الحدث والجنابة والحيض والنفاس فليست بشرط لجواز الطواف وليست بفرض عندنا بل واجبة حتى يجوز الطواف بدونها
(Bad?i' al-San?i' 2/309; Deoband)

وإن كانت الطهارة من واجبات الطواف فإذا طاف من غير طهارة فما دام بمكة تجب عليه الإعادة لأن الإعادة جبر له بجنسه وجبر الشيء بجنسه أولى لأن معنى الجبر وهو التلافي فيه أتم ثم إن أعاد في أيام النحر فلا شيء عليه وإن أخره عنها فعليه دم في قول أبي حنيفة...وإن لم يعد ورجع إلى أهله فعليه الدم غير أنه إن كان محدثا فعليه شاة وإن كان جنبا فعليه بدنة

قلنا يلزمه الجبر بالبدنة وهو مروي عن بن عباس رضي الله تعالى عنهما قال البدنة في الحج تجب في شيئين على من طاف جنبا وعلى من جامع بعد الوقوف وإن أعاد طوافه سقطت عنه البدنة
(Kit?b al-Mabs?t 4/35; D?r al-Fikr)

لو طافت المرأة للزيارة حائضا فهذا والطواف جنبا سواء
(Ibid pg. 36)

يجب أن يعلم بأن الطواف عندنا صحيح بدون الطهارة، فالطهارة ليست من شرائط الطواف عندنا، بل هي من واجباته، وترك الواجب لا يمنع الاعتداد، أما يوجب النقصان إلا أن في الجنب تجب الإعادة، ما دام بمكة
(al-Muh?t al-Burh?n? 3/451; Id?rat al-Qur'?n)

ولو طاف طواف الزيارة محدثا فعليه شاة وإن كان جنبا فعليه بدنة وكذا لو طاف أكثره جنبا أو محدثا والأفضل أن يعيد الطواف ما دام بمكة ولا ذبح عليه والأصح أن يعيد في الحدث ندبا وفي الجنابة وجوبا ثم إن أعاده وقد طاف محدثا لا دم عليه وإن أعاده بعد أيام النحر وإن أعاده وقد طاف جنبا في أيام النحر لا شيء عليه وإن أعاده بعد أيام النحر يجب الدم عند أبي حنيفة رحمه الله تعالى بالتأخير كذا في الكافي وتسقط عنه البدنة كذا في السراج الوهاج
(al-Fat?w? al-Hindiyyah 1/245; Rash?diyyah)

2. In principle, it is compulsory (w?jib) to walk during the taw?f if one is capable of doing so.  However, if one is sick and/or incapable of walking, it would be permissible to use assistance in the performance of the taw?f.  If one is capable of walking but chooses not to, it would be compulsory to sacrifice an animal as a penalty (damm).
ففصل وأما ركنه  فحصوله كائنا حول البيت سواء كان بفعل نفسه أو بفعل غيره وسواءكان عاجزا عن الطواف بنفسه فطاف به غيره بأمره أو بغير أمره أو كان قادرا على الطواف بنفسه فحمله غيره بأمره أو بغير أمره غير أنه إن كان عاجزا أجزأه ولا شيء عليه وإن كان قادرا أجزأه ولكن يلزمه الدم أما الجواز فلأن الفرض حصوله كائنا حول البيت وقد حصل وأما لزوم الدم فلتركه الواجب وهو المشي بنفسه مع القدرة عليه فدخله نقص فيجب جبره بالدم كما إذا طاف راكبا أو زحفا وهو قادر على المشي وإذا كان عاجزا عن المشي لا يلزمه شيء لأنه لم يترك الواجب إذ لا وجوب مع العجز
(Bad?i' al-San?i' 2/307; Deoband)

وينبغي أن يطوف بالبيت ماشياً، ولو طاف راكباً أو محمولاً، أو سعى بين الصفا والمروة راكباً أو محمولاً إن كان كذلك من عذر يجزئه، ولا يلزمه شيء، وإن كان من غير عذر، فما دام يمكنه، فإنه يعيد، وإذا رجع إلى أهله، فإنه يريق لذلك دماً عندنا
(al-Muh?t al-Burh?n? 3/449; Id?rat al-Qur'?n)

إن المقصود من الطواف حضور الطائف في جميع مكان الطواف ليصير زائراً لجميع البيت، وقد حضر في جميع أماكن الطواف، فيسقط عنه الفرض

And Allah knows best

Wassalam u Alaikum

Ml. Abrar Mirza,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

Based on the time period since we are here so are we called as Makki 2) 2) From your different Fatwa's it came to our knowledge that we cannot offer any other type of Hajj except Hajj-e-Ifrad. 3 ) 3) Can we clear and cut our unwanted hairs, hairs, and na PDF Print E-mail

Q: 35 – Title: 1) Based on the time period since we are here so are we called as Makki 2) 2) From your different Fatwa's it came to our knowledge that we cannot offer any other type of Hajj except Hajj-e-Ifrad. 3 ) 3) Can we clear and cut our unwanted hairs, hairs, and nails after 1st Zil Hajj as we are offering Hajj and also Qurbani.


I'm from but currently residing in Jeddah for employment and been here for around four months. I and some of my friends who are also from Pakistan and are here for less than one year had perform Umrah in the month of Shawal and Zil-Qaeda which we understand that are called Hajj months. Please help us while answering to our below questions as Hajj days are approaching.

Our questions are as below;

1) Based on the time period since we are here so are we called as Makki (as per your definition in other Fatwa's that whoever lives inside Meqat is also called Makki)?

2) From your different Fatwa's it came to our knowledge that we cannot offer any other type of Hajj except Hajj-e-Ifrad. Know since we have already offered Umrah do we need to slaughter as DUMM or it is not obligatory for us?

3) Can we clear and cut our unwanted hairs, hairs, and nails after 1st Zil Hajj as we are offering Hajj and also Qurbani. Please explain?


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh

1.      Since you are living in Jeddah, which is considered part of the hill, you will be considered as a Makki. (Fat?w? Mahm?midiyyah v. 10 pg. 387)

2.      It will be binding upon you to slaughter one sheep or one share of a camel as dum.

3.      It is desirable for those who are planning to sacrifice an animal for Qurb?ni to avoid pairing their nails and cutting their hair until the animal is slaughtered. If you are in Ihr?m, it will not be permissible to pair your nails and cut your hair. If you are not in Ihr?m, then it will be permissible to do so, although it will be preferable to wait until after the sacrifice of the Qurb?ni animal.

ومما ورد في صحيح مسلم قال رسول الله (ص): إذا دخل العشر وأراد بعضكم أن يضحي فلا يأخذن شعرا ولا يقلمن ظفرا فهذا محمول على الندب دون الوجوب بالاجماع (رد المحتار ج 2 ص 181, سعيد)

And Allah knows best


Ml. Yusuf bin Yaqub,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Muhammed Zakariyya Desai,
Assistant Mufti
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

Is it permissible to cross the meeqat without intention of umrah(for them) and not put on Ihram PDF Print E-mail

Q: 36 – Title: Is it permissible to cross the meeqat without intention of umrah(for them) and not put on Ihram


we r living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.we often go for Umra by road with my family,My wife and four girl are all adult,most of the time any one or two are not able to put on Ihram because of menstural period.Is it permissible to cross the meeqat without intention of umrah(for them) and not put on Ihram


It is not permissible for an afaqi (person living out of the miqat) to enter Makkah Mukarramah without an ihram, whether he or she intends ‘umrah or not.

وكذلك لو أراد بمجاوزة هذه المواقيت دخول مكة لا يجوز له أن يجاوزها إلا محرما ، سواء أراد بدخول مكة النسك من الحج أو العمرة أو التجارة أو حاجة أخرى عندنا (بدائع الصنائع ج 2 ص 371 , ديوبند)
And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Ml. Yusuf bin Yaqub,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Muhammed Zakariyya Desai,
Assistant Mufti
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

I have read many Haj book , but they confuse each other, then I tried some tafseer and Hadees sahrah and I found the.... PDF Print E-mail

Q: 34 – Title: I have read many Haj book , but they confuse each other, then I tried some tafseer and Hadees sahrah and I found the....


I want to query about some issues ; Please reply me with all possible detail and references;

I am a resident in Jeddah and planning to perform Haj this year; I have read that Haj afrad is only For Makka resident ; ( Tafseer Tibyanul Qauran ) ? will i be treated as Makka resident as well ?

Due to above I am planning for "Haj Tamatu"; I have performed the umrah in the month of Ramdan , shawal and ZeLqad, so I still need to perform an umrah for Haj ? as i have heard that only umrah that is performed in Zel Haj will be valid for Haj , is it true ?

Can I change Ahram in Haj ( in wash room for any reason),

Can u please tell me the differnec between ;

Tawafe Qudoom ( initial tawaf ; as per my knowledge; it is mustahib)

Tawafe Ziyarat ( Haj Tawaf , as per my knowldege ; it is farz , for any kind of Haj)

Tawafe Sadar ( Ending tawaf , it is wajib, is it wajib for me also being a Jeddah resident)

I have read many Haj book , but they confuse each other, then I tried some tafseer and Hadees sahrah and I found the
Following; please correct me if I m wrong;

1) Peform Umrah before 8 Zel Haj ( you will calrify me when can I perform umrah as per my above queries)

2) Go to Mina ( 8 Zel Haj), Wajib , stays there whole day

3) Go to Arafar ( 9 Zel Haj) , Farz  Stays there up to Magrib

4) Go to Muzdalfa ( 9 Zel Haj ), Wajib , stays there up to fajar

5) Go to Mina ( 10 Zel Haj), do Rami and Qurabni and hair cutting,----- Wajib.

6) Do Tawaf-e-Ziyara in Ayame Nahar (with in 3 days) , Farz

7) Do Saee in Ayame Nahar ( with in 3 days, or after the Haj ahram),---- Wajib

8) Haj completes.

Also I was reading from your web site  Fatwa #  17218  from South Africa   ; it seems that even being a JED resident
we can not perform HAJ tamatu, you gave the defintion of HAJ tamatu as ((join haj and umrah in one journey) and i belive
that this definition is for HAJ Qiran. And we can not perform Umrah in month of HAJ, please correct me if I am wrong.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Nouman Qazi


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh

We make dua that Allah Ta’ala grant all our hujjaj a hajj maqbool and make it easy for them. (Ameen.)

Whoever lives within the miqat, will fall under the ruling of a makki (one who stays in Makkah Mukarramah). Therefore, just as a makki could only perform ifrad hajj, similarly those who stay within the miqat could only perform ifrad hajj (i.e. perform hajj only without joining umrah with it).

Tamattu hajj is when one performs umrah in the months of hajj and thereafter performs hajj in the same year with a new ihram. Since you have already performed umrah and you are going to perform hajj, therefore, you will fall under the category of those who will be performing tamaatu hajj. However, since you are also in the ruling of a makki therefore, you will have to slaughter a dam. This dam will not be out of gratitude to Allah Ta’ala but will be as a compensation for going against the command of Allah Ta’ala by performing tamattu hajj. You should also not perform another umrah before performing your hajj.

It is permissible to change the ihram if there is a valid reason. One should not change his ihram merely to have a clean ihram.

Tawaf qudoom is the first tawaf a person will perform before starting his hajj. This will be as a greeting similar to tahiyyatul masjid when one enters the masjid. Tawaf qudoom is sunaah muakkada for those who are not makki. A makki shall not perform tawaf qudoom.

Tawaf ziyarat is the tawaf of hajj which is performed on the ten of zul hijja. This tawaf is fardh.

Tawaf sadar is the last tawaf one would perform before leaving the holy city of Makkah Mukarramah. It is wajib for those who are not makki. Imam Abu Yusuf رحمه الله تعلى mentions that I prefer that a makki also performs tawaf sadar.

Refer to Manasik of Mulla Ali Qari رحمه الله تعالى page 140 and 252.

Since you are under the ruling of a makki, you will not perform tawaf qudoom.

On the 9th one will go to Arafa after sunrise and stay until sunset. It is fardh to go to Arafa.

After sunset one will go to Muzdalifa. It is Sunnah makkadah to spend the night in Muzdalifa. It is wajib to spend time between subh sadiq and sunrise.
Performing tawaf ziyarah in days of hajj is wajib not fardh.

If a person combines between hajj and umrah in one ihram, then this would be qiran. If he combines it with two ihrams, then this will be tamattu.

And Allah knows best


Ml. Ishaq E. Moosa,
Student Darul Iftaa
Concured by:
Muhammed Zakariyya Desai,
Assistant Mufti
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah


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