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This incidence was took place when I went to perform haj alongwith my wife. We physically met (intercourse) during stay in Madinatul Munawara. After hajj I asked question about PDF Print E-mail

Q: 43 – Title: This incidence was took place when I went to perform haj alongwith my wife. We physically met (intercourse) during stay in Madinatul Munawara. After hajj I asked question about


This incidence was took place when I went to perform haj alongwith my wife. We physically met (intercourse) during stay in Madinatul Munawara. After hajj I asked question about this act with Imam of Masjid in Pakistan. He replied that you both (wife and husband) should re-perform hajj because your hajj has been wasted. Please tell us according to Shariyat.


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

There are a few possible scenarios to your question.  If the martial relations took place:

.    After the wuquf at 'Arafah, then if it was

. While in the state of ihram, then the hajj is valid but you and your wife must each pay the penalty of a budnah.
.  After coming out of ihr?m, then the hajj is valid.

.    Before the wuq?f at 'Arafah, then if the relations took place
. Before the state of ihr?m, then the hajj is valid.
. After the state of ihr?m, then the hajj is invalid.  You and your wife need to re-perform your hajj and each of you is required to pay the penalty of a damm. 

وإن جامع وكان مفرداً بالحج إن كان جامع قبل الوقوف بعرفة فسد حجه وعليه دم تكفيه الشاة وعليه المضي في فاسده يفعل جميع ما يفعله في الحج الصحيح ويجتنب عما يجتنب في الحج الصحيح وعليه الحج من قابل...وإن جامع بعد الوقوف بعرفة لا يفسد حجة وعليه جزور
(المحيط البرهاني، كتاب المناسك، الفصل الخامس: 3/431؛ إدارة)

إذا كان مفردا بحجة وجامع امرأته قبل وقوفه بعرفة وهما محرمان فسدت حجتهما إذا التقى الختانان وغابت الحشفة وعليهما المضي والإتمام على الفساد وعلى كل واحد منهما الدم وتجزئ الشاة في ذلك وعليهما قضاء الحجة من قابل ولا تجب عليهما العمرة كذا في شرح الطحاوي...ولو جامع امرأته بعد الوقوف بعرفة لا يفسد حجه جامع ناسيا أو عامدا كذا في فتاوى قاضي خان ويجب على كل واحد منهما بدنة
(الفتاوى العالمكيرية، كتاب المناسك، الباب الثامن، الفصل الرابع: 1/244-245؛ رشيدية)

(ووطؤه في إحدى السبيلين) من آدمي (ولو ناسيا) أو مكرها أو نائمة أو صبيا أو مجنونا ذكره الحدادي لكن لا دم ولا قضاء عليه (قبل وقوف فرض يفسد حجه)
قال الإمام ابن عابدين في حاشيته:
قوله ( قبل وقوف فرض ) بالإضافة البيانية أي وقوف هو فرض أو بدونهما مع التنوين فيهما على الوصفية أي وقوف مفروض والمراد بالفرضية الركنية فشمل حج النفل
(رد المحتار، كتاب الحج، باب الجنايات: 2/558؛ سعيد)

And Allah knows best

Wassalamu Alaikum

Ml. Abrar Mirza,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Concurred by:
Ml. Yusuf bin Yaqub
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

I just want to know if a son wants to pay for his parents umrah to get ajar..is it allowes in islam or the parents have to to pay for their own umrah trip? PDF Print E-mail

Q: 42 – Title: I just want to know if a son wants to pay for his parents umrah to get ajar..is it allowes in islam or the parents have to to pay for their own umrah trip??


I just want to know..iff a son wants to pay for his parents umrah to get ajar..is it allowes in islam or the parents have to to pay for their own umrah trip??


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

It will be permissible to send your parents for Umrah with your expenses. Infact this is an ideal opportunity to attain great rewards for serving ones parents.

And Allah knows best

Wassalamu Alaikum

Ml. Luqman Hansrot,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

Is performing Qasr in Arafa part of hajj or is it due to the Journey condition. Many perform 2 rakah for zohar and Asar on arafa day even imam who is a PDF Print E-mail

Q: 40 – Title: Is performing Qasr in Arafa part of hajj or is it due to the Journey condition. Many perform 2 rakah for zohar and Asar on arafa day even imam who is a


Iam a hanafi and am very much confused about the Manasik -E Haj.

Please clarify in details. Is performing Qasr in Arafa part of hajj or is it due to the Journey condition.  Many perform 2 rakah for zohar and Asar on arafa day even imam who is a Muqeem not musafir. so, does it mean that this varies due to differnce in school of thoughts(Maslak).  Please give me a book name which i can follow for MASAIL E HAJ,as all books contradicts each other in many ways.

Which Hajj is to be perfomed if i live in Jeddah(which is in meeqat) and what if iam coming from Riyadh or Dammam.

Again request you to clear my doubt in details with reference.


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

1) According to the madhab of Imam Abu Hanifa (Rahimahullah), praying qasr salah of Zuhr and Asr in ‘Arafah will be due to one being a musaafir (traveler). If one is a muqeem (resident), it will be necessary to pray the full salah. The same rules also apply to the Imam in ‘Arafah. If the Imam is a resident, it is necessary for him to complete the full salah and all followers must complete the entire salah with him. If the Imam is a traveler, it is necessary for him to pray qasr and those who are residents praying behind him must stand up when he says salaam to complete the salah. It is not permissible for the Imam to pray qasr if he is a resident. If he is a resident and still shortens the salah, it will be necessary to repeat the salah.

Also, according to the preferred view in the Hanafi madhab, it will only be permissible to combine the Zuhr and Asr prayers in ‘Arafah if they are observed behind the Imam. If separate congregations or individuals pray in the tents, they must pray Zuhr and Asr in their respectable times.

فصل في الجمع بين الصلاتين بعرفة.......(ثم ان كان الامام مقيما اتم الصلاة, و اتم معه المسافرون ايضا) اي و كذا المقيمون, (و ان كان) اي الامام (مسافرا قصر) با لتخفيف لكون القصر واجبا على المسافر, فلو اتمه اساء, (و اتم المقيمون) اي بعد سلام الامام, اذ يحرم قيام الماموم قبل السلام.........و الحاصل ان الامام ان كان مقيما, فلا يجوز القصر للمسافرين و المقيمين, و ان كان مسافرا فلا يجوز القصر للمقيمين. (و لا يجوز للمقيم) اي و لو كان اماما (ان يقصر الصلاة) اي لاختصاص القصر با لمسافر اجماعا, و انما الخلاف في كون الجمع للنسك و السفر, (و لا للمسافر ان يقتدي به) اي بالمقيم, (ان قصر)(Munasik Mulla Ali Qari, 194-195, Idaratul Quran)
(الجماعة فيهما) و هذا عند ابي حنيفة خلافا لهما, (فلو صلى الظهر وحده والعصر مع الجماعة, او با لعكس, او صلاهما وحده) اي منفردا فيهما, (لا يجوز العصر قبل وقته) اي عند ابي حنيفة
(Munasik Mulla Ali Qari, 198, Idaratul Quran)
(Aap Ki Masaail, 4/125, Maktaba Bayyanat)

2) Whoever lives in the miqat will fall under the rulings of a resident of Makkah. Therefore, since Jeddah falls under the miqat, it will only be permissible for the resident to perform Ifraad Hajj, i.e. Hajj only without Umrah.

Those who live outside the miqat, including residents of Riyadh and Dammam, will not fall under the rules of residents living within the miqat. Therefore, they may either perform Tamattu’ Hajj (Umrah and Hajj with two separate Ihrams) or Qiran Hajj (Umrah and Hajj with one Ihram).

Lastly, a book we suggest with rules and masaail of Hajj is “Mu’allimul Hujjaj” by Hadrat Maulana Sa’eed Ahmed Saheb. This book has also been translated into English entitled “Teacher of the Hajj Pilgrims”.

And Allah knows best

Wassalam u Alaikum

Ml. Asif Umar,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

In the days of ramazan and hajj, now in makkah, we see the mixing of women in the suffuf. PDF Print E-mail

Q: 41 – Title: 1) In the days of ramazan and hajj, now in makkah, we see the mixing of women in the suffuf. ....2)For etikaf purpose- whats the hudood of the masjid? Does bab-abdulaziz and elevators leading to basement come under the hudod? 3) Is it ok to sleep with just shorts and the rest of my body bare, with my wife under the blanket?
1) In the days of ramazan and hajj, now in makkah, we see the mixing of women in the suffuf. Especially in hajj. During the salah times, people generally fill places quickly and if it happens there is a woman by my side and praying the same salah, in congregation, then it will break mine as I understand from the fiqh. So, should i break mine and look for another place to pray? what about taraveeh? it will also get nullified -isn't it? We see sufuf that there are women present in a single circular saff along with the men. So, how should this be handled?
2) For etikaf purpose- whats the hudood of the masjid? Does bab-abdulaziz and elevators leading to basement come under the hudod? If during etikaf I wish to pray on the roof of haram- then will going on the elvators break the etikaf?

3) Is it ok to sleep with just shorts and the rest of my body bare, with my wife under the blanket?
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

1)      Due to the massive crowd in the haram, it is not a condition for the Imam to make a separate intention for the women. Therefore, the salah of every woman performing salah in the haram is valid.
خلاصة الفتاوي - (1 / 136رشيدية)
و يصح إقتداء المرأة بالرجل في صلوة الجمعة و ان لم ينو الامام إمامتها و كذا في العيدين هو الأصح و فيه إختلاف المشايخ و المعني فيه وهو أن فتنة المرأة تقل عند كثرة الجمع

النهر الفائق - (1 / 250 قديمي كتب خانة)
و لا بين الجمعة ة العيدين و غيرهما و به قال كثير الا أن الأكثر علي عدمه فيهما وهو الأصح كما في الخلاصة

الجوهرة النيرة - (1 / 72 مكتبة حقانية)
وهذا إنما يكون في الكعبة وأن ينوي الإمام إمامتها إلا في الجمعة والعيدين

حاشية الطحاوي على مراقي الفلاح - (1 / 290 العلمية)
قوله ( على ما قاله الأكثر ) وفي النهر عن الخلاصة ترجيح عدم الإشتراط فيهما

الأشباه والنظائر لابن نجيم - (1 /15 دار الكتب العلمية،بيروت،لبنان)
فإن اقتداءهن به بلا نية الإمام للإمامة غير صحيح .واستثنى بعضهم الجمعة والعيدين ، وهو صحيح كما في الخلاصة 

غمز عيون البصائر - (1 / 63 دار الكتب العلمية)
قال في جامع المضمرات والمشكلات ويصح اقتداء المرأة بالرجل في صلاة الجمعة
وإن لم ينو امامتها وكذلك العيدين وهو الأصح وفيه اختلاف المشايخ والأصح أن فتنة المرأة تقل عند كثرة الجمع انتهى

المبسوط للسرخسي - (1 / 340
ص -171- ... وأما إذا لم ينو الإمام إمامتها لم تكن داخلة في صلاته فلا تفسد الصلاة على أحد بالمحاذاة عندنا. وقال زفر رحمه الله تعالى يصح اقتداؤها به وإن لم ينو إمامتها، والقياس ما قاله زفر فإن الرجل صالح لإمامة الرجال والنساء جميعا ثم اقتداء الرجال بالرجل صحيح وإن لم ينو الإمامة فكذلك اقتداء النساء واستدل بالجمعة والعيدين فإن اقتداء المرأة بالرجل صحيح فيهما وإن لم ينو إمامتها.
ولنا: أن الرجل لما كان يلحق صلاته فساد من جهة المرأة أمكنه التحرز عنه بالنية كالمقتدى لما كانت صلاته يلحقها فساد من جهة الإمام أمكنه التحرز عنه بالنية وهو أن لا ينوي الاقتداء به وهذا لأنا لو صححنا اقتداءها بغير النية قدرت على إفساد صلاة الرجل كل امرأة متى شاءت بأن تقتدي به فتقف إلى جنبه وفيه من الضرر ما لا يخفى. وفي صلاة الجمعة والعيدين أكثر مشايخنا قالوا لا يصح اقتداؤها به ما لم ينو إمامتها وإن كان الجواب مطلقا في الكتاب. ومنهم من سلم فقال الضرورة في جانبها ها هنا لأنها لا تقدر على أداء صلاة العيد والجمعة وحدها ولا تجد إماما آخر تقتدي به والظاهر أنها لا تتمكن من الوقوف بجنب الإمام في هذه الصلوات لكثرة الازدحام فصححنا اقتداءها به لدفع الضرر عنها بخلاف سائر الصلوات. وروى الحسن بن زياد عن أبي حنيفة رحمه الله تعالى أنها إذا وقفت خلف الإمام جاز اقتداؤها به وإن لم ينو إمامتها ثم إذا وقفت إلى جنبه فسدت صلاتها لا صلاة الرجل وهذا قول أبي حنيفة رحمه الله تعالى الأول، ووجهه أنها إذا وقفت خلفه فقصدها أداء الصلاة لافساد صلاة الرجل فلا يشترط نية الإمامة فإذا وقفت إلى جنبه فقد قصدت إفساد صلاته فرد قصدها بإفساد صلاتها إلا أن يكون الرجل قد نوى إمامتها فحينئذ هو ملتزم بهذا الضرر.

بدائع الصنائع - (1 / 128 دار الكتاب العربي)
وأما في الجمعة والعيدين فأكثر مشايخنا قالوا إن نية إمامتهن شرط فيهما ومنهم من قال ليست بشرط لأنها لو شرطت للحقها الضرر لأنها لا تقدر على أداء الجمعة والعيدين وحدها ولا تجد إماما آخر تقتدي به والظاهر أنها لا تتمكن من الوقوف بجنب الإمام في هاتين الصلاتين لازدحام الناس فصح اقتداؤها لدفع الضرر عنها بخلاف سائر الصلوات

رد المحتار - (1 /  576 بابي الحلبي)
تنبيه ظاهر إطلاقه أنه لا تصح صلاتها بلا نية الإمام إمامتها في الجمعة والعيدين أيضا فالنية شرط فيهما أيضا
قال في النهر وبه قال كثير إلا أن الأكثر على عدمه فيهما وهو الأصح كما في الخلاصة وجعل الزيلعي الأكثر على الاشتراط وأجمعوا على عدمه في الجنازة ا هـ

A male should try his level best not to have any female on his either side or in front of him during prayer. However, if in spite of exercising precaution he stills gets a woman next to him in prayer, he should stand slightly forward keeping his heals ahead of the toes of the woman. By doing this, the laws of muhaa’dhaat will not apply.  

Likewise, if there is an entire saff of women, the first saff of men behind the women should place a sutra in front of them. This will cause their salaah to be valid. (Ahsan al fatawaa 3/365) The shoe bag etc. will also serve as a sutra.
2)      Since the elevators are in the inner part of the doors it will be permissible to use them while in itikaaf.
3)      It is permissible to sleep next to ones wife with only shorts. However, modesty would demand that you conceal the area between your navel and knees.
And Allah knows best
Wassalamu Alaikum
Ml. Ismail Moosa,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

I went to hajj this year Alhumdulillah and made sincere tawbah regarding backbiting. I had been involved in the past (before going to hajj) in listening to people who talk bad... PDF Print E-mail

Q: 39 – Title: 1. I went to hajj this year Alhumdulillah and made sincere tawbah regarding backbiting. I had been involved in the past (before going to hajj) in listening to people who talk bad...


I went to hajj this year Alhumdulillah and made sincere tawbah regarding backbiting. I had been involved in the past (before going to hajj) in listening to people who talk bad about other muslim brothers and may have also sad bad things about some of my brothers or sisters in that company. Now, I have made tawbah and inshaAllah will try my best to not to repeat these sins. My question is seeking the forgiveness from Allah enough for these gunahs or I have to go and ask forgiveness from each person that I have said or heard bad things about? I can atleast approach the people that I remember that i have said bad things about. BUt I fear that this could lead to some fitnah's. Such as, some people that i have said bad things about are not my mehrams and by seeking forgiveness from them i'll have to talk to them. Also, i fear that some people may take my request of forgiveness in negetive terms and could break ties with me or my family as they would feel bad about the fact that i have been saying or hearing bad things about them. So I am not sure what to do? All my backbiting have been regarding minor things like every day gossip and was not done to harm anyone.

My second question is about the money i had earned from the US stock market. I used to invest in stock market a few years back as at that time stock investement was permissble according to the fatwa in your site. You had given the answer that we can invest in stocks as long as we invest in a company that does not deal with haram things (Fatwa #  47). Last year, I noticed that you have a new fawta regarding stick invesment, which prohibits it completely. At that point, I stopped trading in stocks completely. My question is now about the money I have already earned from the stock market. Shall I dispose it, meaning give it to some charity with the intention of no sawab. Or Can I keep it. Even though, I have already spent that money that I had earned through stocks during those years, but by looking at my tax return statements, I can find out the exact amount of my earnings through stocks and can try to get rid of it but it will greatly effect my current financial situation. Please advise in this regard.


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

1.  We commend you on your determination in abandoning the sin of Gheebah (backbiting). We make Dua that Allah grants you steadfastness in your determination, Ameen.

The scholars state that if the statements uttered by you did not reach the people whom you have backbitten, there is no need to approach them and seek their forgiveness. However, it is necessary to clarify the matter in front of those whom you have spoken to that the reality of what you have said is untrue and false.

If the statements did reach the person whom you have backbitten, you will have to ask that person for forgiveness. If the person passed away you should make Dua e Maghfirah on his behalf. Through this it is hoped that the sin of backbiting will also be forgiven.

جامع الأحاديث - (ج 15 / ص 299)
كفارة الاغتياب أن تستغفر لمن اغتبته (ابن أبى الدنيا فى ذم الغيبة ، والحارث بن أبى أسامة ، والبيهقى فى شعب الإيمان

Refer Maa’riful Quraan Vol. 6/123

2.    We are currently considering this issue and suggest that you revert to us after some time.

And Allah knows best

Wassalam u Alaikum

Muhammed Zakariyya Desai,
Assistant Mufti
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah


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