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During haj time if the wajibat are not done in sequence ...Q2)On the 10th of Zul hijjah is it permissible to do rami in the evening? PDF Print E-mail

Q: 53 – Title: Q1)During haj time if the wajibat are not done in sequence ...

Q2)On the 10th of Zul hijjah is it permissible to do rami in the evening?


Q1)During haj time if the wajibat are not done in sequence eg. sacrifice before rami or shaving the hair before Qurbani etc due to rush etc then does the Dam become wajib because i read an article some where written by a Deobandi Mufti saheb that there is no dam if the sequence in the wajibat is left out?

Q2)On the 10th of Zul hijjah is it permissible to do rami in the evening?


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

1) The books of Fatwa are clear that sequence between pelting, sacrifice and shaving is compulsory. Hence, by going against this sequence the dam becomes compulsory. (Fatawa Mahmadiyyah, 10/435)  

الجوهرة النيرة - (2 / 160)
( قوله وإن أخر الحلق حتى مضت أيام النحر فعليه دم عند أبي حنيفة وكذا إذا أخر طواف الزيارة ) وعندهما لا شيء عليه في الوجهين والخلاف في تأخير الرمي وفي تقديم نسك على نسك كالحلق قبل الرمي والحلق قبل الذبح وهذا في المتمتع والقارن

مناسك ملا علي القاري- (1/ 70)
وأما الترتيب بين الركي والحلق فواجب

الدر المختار - (2 / 467)
) وواجبه…… ((والترتيب الآتي) بيانه (بين الرمي والحلق والذبح يوم النحر)

2) It is makr?h (abominable) to pelt at night.

مناسك ملا علي القاري- (1/ 70)
ووقت الكراهة مع الجواز من الغروب إلى طلوع الفجر الثاني من الغد ، ولو أخره الى اليل كره

And Allah knows best

Wassalaamu `alaykum

Ml. Ismail Moosa,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

What is the ruling for hanafi females regarding wearing niqab whilst in ihram for umra and haj. If a women wears the niqab during the 5 days of haj only when they are men around and when with the ladies she doesnt is it correct. And what is the kaffara fo PDF Print E-mail

Q: 52 – Title: What is the ruling for hanafi females regarding wearing niqab whilst in ihram for umra and haj. If a women wears the niqab during the 5 days of haj only when they are men around and when with the ladies she doesnt is it correct. And what is the kaffara for this for umra and haj.


What is the ruling for hanafi females regarding wearing niqab whilst in ihram for umra and haj. If a women wears the niqab during the 5 days of haj only when they are men around and when with the ladies she doesnt is it correct. And what is the kaffara for this for umra and haj.


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

It is impermissible to cover the face while in the state of ihr?m in such a manner that the cloth touches the face.  Therefore, when in the presence of non-mahram men, a woman should wear her niq?b such that it hangs in front of her face without touching it.  For example, she may wear a cap and hang the niq?b over it or stick two protruding objects in her scarf such that it prevents the niq?b from touching her face.  However, if there are no non-mahram men around, then she does not need to cover her face.

For each day, if the woman covers her face such that the cloth touches her face, then

1.       If she covers it for less than one hour, then there are two views. 
a.       According to the first view, she will have to give the amount of one fist full of wheat in sadaqah.
b.       According to the second view, she will have to give sadaqah equivalent to the amount of sadaqat al-fitr
c.       Although the first view is valid, precaution is in following the second view.

2.       If she covers it for more than one but less than twelve hours, then she will have to pay sadaqah equivalent to the amount sadaqat al-fitr.

3.       If she covers it for twelve hours or more, then she will have to pay damm.

وإذا لبس المحرم المخيط على الوجه المعتاد يوما إلى الليل فعليه دم وإن كان أقل من ذلك فعليه صدقة وفسر الكرخي الصدقة ههنا فقال نصف صاع من بر قال وكذلك كل صدقة في الإحرام غير مقدرة فتفسيرها هذا إلا في قتل القمل والجراد
(المحيط البرهاني، كتاب المناسك، الفصل الخامس: 3/428؛ إدارة)

والمحرمة لا تغطي وجهها وإن فعلت ذلك إن كان يوما إلى الليل فعليها دم وإن كان أقل من ذلك فعليها صدقة
(المحيط البرهاني، كتاب المناسك، الفصل الخامس: 3/430؛ إدارة)

وأما المرأة فلا تغطي وجهها وكذا لا بأس أن تسدل على وجهها بثوب وتجافيه عن وجهها
(بدائع الصنائع، كتاب الحج، فصل وأما بيان ما يحظره الإحرام وما لا يحظره: 2/185؛ العربي)

والمراد بكشف الوجه عدم مماسة شيء له فلذا يكره لها أن تلبس البرقع لأن ذلك يماس وجهها كذا في المبسوط
ولو أرخت شيئا على وجهها وجافته لا بأس به كذا ذكر الأسبيجابي لكن في فتح القدير أنه يستحب وقد جعلوا لذلك أعوادا كالقبة توضع على الوجه وتستدل من فوقها الثوب
(البحر الرائق، كتاب الحج: 2/381؛ المعرفة)

قوله ( كله أو بعضه ) لكن في تغطية كل الوجه أو الرأس يوما أو ليلة دم الربع منهما كالكل وفي الأقل من يوم أو من الربع صدقة كما في اللباب وأطلقه فشمل المرأة لما في البحر عن غاية ممن أنها لا تغطي وجهها إجماعا اه أي وإنما تستر وجهها عن الأجانب بإسدال شيء متجاف لا يمس الوجه... وهو وجوب عدم مماسة شيء لوجهها
(رد المحتار، كتاب الحج، فصل في الإحرام: 2/488؛ الفكر)

(فتاوى محمودية، كتاب الحج، باب الجنايات: 10/438؛ فاروقية)

(أحسن الفتاوى، كتاب الحج: 4/523؛ سعيد)

(المرجع السابق: 4/545)

(آب كى مسائل أور أن كا حل، كتاب الحج: 88-89؛ بينات)

And Allah knows best

Wassalaamu `alaykum

Ml. Abrar Mirza,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

i am planning to go to hajj this yr iNshallah someone told me to take contraceptive to stop periods during hajj can i take the tablets..? PDF Print E-mail

Q: 50 – Title: I am planning to go to hajj this yr iNshallah someone told me to take contraceptive to stop periods during hajj can i take the tablets..?


I am planning to go to hajj this yr iNshallah someone told me to take contraceptive to stop periods during hajj can i take the tablets..?...my other question is that if in case i will get my periods and i wont b able to do tawafe ziyarat before coming back will my relation with my husband consider haram unless n until i do the tawafe ziyarat..my third question is that if a women is pregnant is she allowed to go to hajj is thr any ruling regarding this..?...plz tell me some dua to recite for problems in my husband's office......


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

1.      A female should not interfere with her natural monthly cycle. However, due to unavoidable circumstances, for example due to experiencing her monthly cycle she will not be able to perform her fardh tawaaf - (Tawaafe Ziyarat) before the scheduled date of departure from Makkah Mukarramah, she may take medication (pill) to delay the monthly cycle.

2.      When a person has completed his/her tawaaf ziyaarah then sexual intercourse between spouses is permitted. If tawaaf ziyaarah was not performed, under no circumstance will it be permissible to engage in sexual intercourse.                                                                                       (Mu’allimul Hujjaaj Pg 218)

3.      According to Shariah, there is no such ruling against a pregnant woman to perform her fardh haj. However, from a medical point of view caution should be taken as to whether this woman is physically and mentally fit to carry out the rituals of haj. It should not be that by her going for haj, this becomes detrimental to her health and the health of her foetus. Therefore, consult with a doctor or gynaecologist as to whether she should go or not.

We should always bear in mind when experiencing any difficulty, it is only Allah Ta’ala who will remove this difficulty. We need to examine our lives to determine the reason of these problems afflicting us. Thereafter, turn to Allah T’ala with sincere devotion and supplicate as a humble slave seeking his unlimited forgiveness. We advise you to recite this Dua abundantly.
اللهم اكفني بحلالك عن حرامك واغنني بفضلك عمن سواك

Transliteration: “Allahumma ikfini bihalaalika an haraamika wa-aghnini bifadhlika amman siwaak”

Translation:”Oh Allah, suffice me with that which is Halaal from that which is Haraam and through your virtue make me independent from anyone besides you”.

And Allah knows best

Wassalaamu `alaykum

Ml. Ebrahim Desai,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

InshaAllah I am going for Hajj this year with my husband. I need to know a few things before i leave. please help me.... PDF Print E-mail

Q: 51 – Title: InshaAllah I am going for Hajj this year with my husband. I need to know a few things before I leave. please help me....


InshaAllah I am going for Hajj this year with my husband. I need to know a few things before i leave. please help me.

1)I have problem of discharge coming out every now and then. Its like I'll make ablution and come for prayer my wudu breaks...sometimes even before starting prayer...other times right in the middle of prayer....how can I perform tawaaf in this case....as i hear it takes quite longer to perform tawaaf 7 times due to crowd. this is a really big issue for me...i just want my hajj to be perfect.

2)Pleaser tell me the way of praying friday prayers...as a woman i hardly ever had a chance to attend one. I pray zuhur instead. Can we perform no prayer during khutba....do we need to listen to khutba even when its not in a language we understand....???

3)I had a friend. we were room mates for 4 years...at the end of our degree course (after 4 years) we learned that she was qaadiani. it was really a big shock. i have never contacted her ever since then. Now before going for hajj, do i need to ask her for forgiveness as well...???? i mean, we lived together for years... I might have hurt her a few times....but should i seek forgiveness from a qaadiani girl??? or no???

4) Can we use tissue paper to wipe our nose while in the state of ihraam??? i mean i tend to cry a lot while praying and as a result my nose becomes too watery...how can i wipe it while in ihraam??

5) Please pray for me to perform hajj in the way our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallim told us....and that if i come back, i don't get busy with the same nonsense again.


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

1) If putting something such as a cotton cloth, cotton wool, paper tissue, tampon etc. inside the private part will prevent the discharge from exiting the private part, then you should do so as it will prevent your wudu from breaking. Wudu will only break if the discharge exits the vagina or reaches the edge of the vagina. The vagina is the inner, round part of the female genital, as opposed to the outer, elongated part (the labia).
في نور الإيضاح: ينقض الوضوء اثتا عشر شيئا: ما خرج من السبيلين إلا ريح القبل في الأصح الخ ؛ وفي الشرح: كالبول والغائط والدودة والحصاة والمني والمذي والودي والحيض والاستحاضة والنفاس الخ ( إمداد الفتاح: ص 84 ط الغوثاني )
قال ابن عابدين رحمه الله في شرح رسالة العلامة البركوي رحمه الله المسماة "ذخر المتأهلين والنساء في تعريف الأطهار والدماء" : ( أما الأول [ أي ابتداء ثبوت الدماء الثلاثة ] فعند ظهور الدم بأن خرج من الفرج الداخل ) أي إلى الفرج الخارج والأول هو المدور بمنزلة الدبر أو الإحليل والثاني هو الطويل بمنزلة الإليتين أو القلفة ( أو ) لم ينفصل عن الفرج الداخل بل ( حاذى ) أي ساوى ( حرفه ) والدم في هذا الحكم ( كالبول والغائط فكل ما ظهر من الإحليل ) ... ( والدبر ) ... ( بأن ساوى الحرف ) من أحد هذه المخارج ( ينتقض به الوضوء ) سواء كان دما أو بولا أو غائطا ( مطلقا ) أي قليلا كان أو كثيرا الخ ...[ و بعد أسطر ] ... ( فإن أحس ) بصيغة المجهول ولم يقل أحست ليدخل فيه حدث الرجال والنساء ( ابتداء بنزوله ) أي الدم ونحوه كالبول ( ولم يظهر ) إلى حرف المخرج ( أو منع ) بصيغة المجهول أيضا معطوف على لم يظهر ( منه ) أي من ظهوره ( بالشد ) على ظاهر المخرج بنحو خرقة (أو الاحتشاء ) في باطنه بنحو قطنة ( فليس له حكم ) أي لا ينتقض به الوضوء ( رسائل ابن عابدين: ج 1 ص 80 )

If putting something inside the vagina will not stop the discharge from exiting it then the following will apply:

You should see whether you qualify as a ‘ma’zoor’ (excused) or not. You will qualify as a ma’zoor when the following condition is met: A complete time of salaat elapses in such a way that your discharge does not stop for long enough for you to be able to perform the salaat in complete purity. If such a time is found wherein salaat could be offered with complete purity, you will not be classified as a ma’zoor and the rules of a ma’zoor will not apply to you. Example of a complete time is from the start of Zuhr to the start of Asr. It would be wise to do this test during a salaat time that is of the shortest duration, so that there will be more chances of you qualifying as a ma’zoor.

( ومما يتصل بذلك أحكام المعذور ) شرط ثبوت العذر ابتداء أن يستوعب استمراره وقت الصلاة كاملا وهو الأظهر كالانقطاع لا يثبت ما لم يستوعب الوقت كله ( الفتاوى الهندية: ج 1 ص 45 ط دار الكتب العلمية )
(إن استوعب عذره تمام وقت صلاة مفروضة) بأن لا يجد في جميع وقتها زمنا يتوضأ ويصلي فيه خاليا عن الحدث ( الدر المختار: ج 1 ص 554 ط دار المعرفة )

If you do not qualify as a ‘ma’zoor’, then your wudu will break every time you have a discharge. Wudu is a requirement for Tawaaf. Therefore, if your wudu breaks during Tawaaf, you will have to renew your wudu and start the Tawaaf again. However, if you have already done four or more rounds, then you need not start again; instead, continue from where you left off. As for Sa’ee (going from Safa to Marwa seven times) and Wuqoof Arafah (standing in the plain of Arafah), wudu is not a requirement.
(Aap Ke Masaail vol. 4 pg. 108 Maktabah Ludhyanawi)

If you do qualify as a ‘ma’zoor’ in the Shariah, then the rules of a ma’zoor will apply. Some of the rules are:

After you make wudu from a discharge, a subsequent discharge will not break your wudu; instead, your wudu will break as soon as the time expires for the current Fardh (compulsory) salaat. For example, if you had a discharge and made wudu during Zuhr time, your wudu will not break because of discharge until Zuhr time expires.  However, other things that break the wudu, such as urination, will break your wudu too. If you do not have a discharge and you make wudu because of something else, such as urination, then if you have a discharge after that, your wudu will break -- because the wudu you made was for other than discharge. In other words, your wudu will not break because of discharge (until the expiry of the current salaat time) only if the wudu you made was because of discharge, and not because of something else. If you made wudu and you did not have a discharge during wudu or after wudu, and neither did anything else that breaks wudu take place, then your wudu will not break with the expiry of salaat time.
( و إنما قلنا من ذلك الحدث إذ لو توضأ من آخر ) كبول وعذره منقطع ( فسال من عذره نقض وضوءه وإن لم يخرج الوقت ) لأن الوضوء لم يقع لذلك العذر حتى لا ينتقض به بل وقع لغيره وإنما لا ينقطع به ما وقع له كذا في شرح منية المصلي ونحوه في التاترخانية وغيرها وبه علم أن قولهم أن السيلان لا ينقض وضوء المعذور بل لا بد معه من خروج الوقت مختص بما إذا كان وضوءه من عذره لا من حدث آخر ( وإن لم يسل ) عذره بعد وضوءه من غيره ( لا ينقض ) وضوءه ( وإن خرج الوقت ) لأنه طهارة كاملة لم يعرض ما ينافيها ( وإنما قلنا بتجدده إذ لو توضأ من عذره فعرض حدث آخر ينتقض وضوءه في الحال ) لأن هذا حدث جديد لم يكن موجودا وقت الطهارة فكان هو والبول والغائط سواء بدائع ( وإن ) توضأ من عذره و ( لم يعرض ) حدث آخر ( ولم يسل من عذره ) عند الوضوء ولا بعده ( لا ينقض بخروج الوقت ) لأنه طهارة كاملة قال في البحر ثم إنما يبطل بخروجه إذا توضأ على السيلان أو وجد السيلان بعد الوضوء أما إذا كان على الانقطاع ودام إلى خروج الوقت فلا يبطل بالخروج ما لم يحدث حدث آخر أو يسل انتهى ( رسائل ابن عابدين: ج 1 ص 117 )

Also important is that once you are classified as a ma’zoor, you will continue to be classified as a ma’zoor as long as you have a discharge at least once during every salaat time. If an entire time passes in which you have no discharge, you will not remain a ma’zoor. Now the ruling will be that each time you have a discharge, your wudu will break.
وشرط بقائه أن لا يمضي عليه وقت فرض إلا والحدث الذي ابتلي به يوجد فيه هكذا في التبيين ( الفتاوى الهندية: ج 1 ص 45 ط دار الكتب العلمية )

(وفي) حق (البقاء كفي وجوده في جزء من الوقت) ولو مرة ( الدر المختار: ج 1 ص 554 ط دار المعرفة )

2) Juma prayer consists of two rak’ats. This is offered in a congregation led by the Imam. There are four rak’ats of Sunnah Mu’akkaadah before Juma and four rak’ats of Sunnah Mu’akkadah after Juma followed by two rak’ats of Sunnah Ghair Mu’akkadah, to be offered individually. The Imam gives khutbah (sermon) before Jum’a prayer. It is prohibited to do anything other than listening to the khutbah during this time.

3) It is not permissible to have any sort of relationship or dealings with a Qadyani. It is not even permissible to go to the house of a Qadyani.
(Aap Ke Masaail vol. 1 pg. 83 Maktabah Ludhyanawi; Ahsanul Fataawa vol. 6 pg. 388 Saeed)

However, if you have committed some wrong against this person in reference, do seek her forgiveness whenever you get a chance, preferably through email or phone. And abstain from befriending a Qadyani in the future.

4) In the state of Ihraam you cannot wipe your nose with a tissue or a cloth. However, if there is a need, you may clean your nose with your hand.
ولا بأس أن يضع يده على أنفه دون ثوب ( فتح القدير: ج 3 ص 28 ط دار الكتب العلمية )

5) We pray that Allah accepts your Hajj and your pious intentions.

And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Wassalaamu `alaykum

Ml. Faizal Riza

Correspondence Iftaa Student, Australia

Checked and Approved by:

Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

I would like to know if it is jayaz of najayaz for a muslim in India to perform Haj through the Haj Committee Of India knowing that it is subsidised. May Allah have Mercy on you & accept your efforts. PDF Print E-mail

Q: 49 – Title: I would like to know if it is jayaz of najayaz for a muslim in India to perform Haj through the Haj Committee Of India knowing that it is subsidised. May Allah have Mercy on you & accept your efforts.


I would like to know if it is jayaz of najayaz for a muslim in India to perform Haj through the Haj Committee Of India knowing that it is subsidised. May Allah have Mercy on you & accept your efforts.


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

It is permissible for the muslims in India to perform the Haj through the Haj Committee in India. The Haj performed will be valid.

And Allah knows best

Wassalaamu `alaykum
Muhammed Zakariyya Desai,
Assistant Mufti
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah


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