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I have come across a Hadith in Fazail Haj regarding the virtues of reading 40 Namazes in Musjid Nabawi,one attains freedom from hypocrisy,fire of hell & punishment. PDF Print E-mail

Q: 48 – Title: I have come across a Hadith in Fazail Haj regarding the virtues of reading 40 Namazes in Musjid Nabawi,one attains freedom from hypocrisy,fire of hell & punishment. (Hadith No 7)


I have come across a Hadith in Fazail Hajj regarding the virtues of reading 40 Namazes in Musjid Nabawi,one attains freedom from hypocrisy,fire of hell & punishment. (Hadith No 7)

My question regarding this Hadith is:

1) In order to receive these merits,is it a COMPULSORY CONDITION that these 40 Namazes be read in succession? Or is it just an encouragement? I have intention to first go to Madina for 3 days,go for Umra in between & return to Madina for 5 days!

2) In order to receive these merits,does a person have to read ALL these Namazes with Takbeer Oola?

3) Kindly define Takbeer Oola?

I would highly appreciate a clear speedy reply for all my abovementioned questions with references.


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Firstly, the Hadith in reference to the question is as follows:
حدثنا عبد الله حدثني أبي ثنا الحكم بن موسى قال أبو عبد الرحمن عبد الله وسمعته أنا من الحكم بن موسى ثنا عبد الرحمن بن أبي الرجال عن نبيط بن عمرو عن أنس بن مالك عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم انه قال : من صلى في مسجدي أربعين صلاة لا يفوته صلاة كتبت له براءة من النار ونجاة من العذاب وبريء من النفاق
تعليق شعيب الأرنؤوط : إسناده ضعيف لجهالة نبيط بن عمر
“Anas ibn Malik (RadiyAllahu Anhu) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: Whoever prays forty salats in my masjid (Masjid an-Nabawi) without missing a salah between then freedom from the hellfire, escape from punishment, and freedom from hypocrisy will be written for him” (Musnad Ahmed)
The chain of this Hadith has been classified as weak by Muhaddithun. Nevertheless, it is considered mustahab to offer the forty prayers in Masjid an-Nabawi.

Hereunder are the answers to your queries:

1) It is necessary to offer the forty prayers in succession as is clearly mentioned in the Hadith. (Fatawa Mahmudiyyah, 10/441. Faruqiyya)
2) It is not clearly mentioned in this Hadith whether the prayers must be observed with the takbeer ula. However, a similar Hadith which is more general has been mentioned in Tirmidhi (in the chapter mentioning the reward for observing prayer with the takbeer ula) saying:

حدثنا عقبة بن مكرم ونصر بن على الجهضمى قالا حدثنا أبو قتيبة سلم بن قتيبة عن طعمة بن عمرو عن حبيب بن أبى ثابت عن أنس بن مالك قال قال رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- « من صلى لله أربعين يوما فى جماعة يدرك التكبيرة الأولى كتبت له براءتان براءة من النار وبراءة من النفاق ». قال أبو عيسى وقد روى هذا الحديث عن أنس موقوفا ولا أعلم أحدا رفعه إلا ما روى سلم بن قتيبة عن طعمة بن عمرو عن حبيب بن أبى ثابت عن أنس.  
“Anas ibn Malik (RadiyAllahu Anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: Whoever observes prayer for forty days in congregation with the takbeen ula, he will become free of two things: freedom from the hellfire and freedom from hypocrisy” (Tirmidhi, 1/56, HM Saeed)
Therefore, we can say one should observe the prayers with the takbeer ula.

3) According to Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahimahullah), takbeer ula is fulfilled as long as one catches the first rakat of salah, not takbeer tahreemah.
باب في فضل التكبيرة الاولى-عند ابي حنيفة واجد الركعة الاولى واجد فضل التحريمة ممتد الى الركوع (العرف الشذي)
(Al-Arful Shazzee, P. 131, HM Saeed)
It is important however that one makes an effort to come to the masjid as early as possible before the commencement of salah.
حدثنا محمد بن علي المديني قال : ثنا الحكم بن موسى قال : ثنا عبد الرحمن بن أبي الرجال ، عن نبيط بن عمر ، عن أنس بن مالك قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : « من صلى في مسجدي أربعين صلاة لا يفوته صلاة ، كتب الله له براءة من النار ، ونجاة من العذاب » « لم يرو هذا الحديث عن أنس إلا نبيط بن عمر ، تفرد به ابن أبي الرجال »
(Al-Mu’jam al-Awsat-Tabraani)

And Allah knows best

Wassalaamu `alaykum

Ml. Asif Umar,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

I will b going for hajj this year insha-allah i have got 60% of the package money the other 40% will b filled in by my father... PDF Print E-mail

Q: 47 – Title: I will b going for hajj this year insha-allah i have got 60% of the package money the other 40% will b filled in by my father...


I will b going for hajj this year insha-allah i have got 60% of the package money the other 40% will b filled in by my father I would like to know, will this hajj b valid/accepted.

I' ve heard that one should perform with his own means & if he's owing some one his due & does'nt pay & goes for hajj then his hajj won't b accepted

can some one sponsor bal or pay bal for him

my father has'nt mentioned to me to repay when i get back. shall i clarify the matter with him


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Since you only possess 60% of the money needed, hajj is not obligatory on you, even if your father is willing to provide the other 40%.

If you go to hajj after accepting your father’s money as either a gift or a loan, your hajj will still be valid.  However, you should first clarify with your father if he is giving the money as a gift or as a loan.

ثم المراد من الاستطاعة بملك الزاد والراحلة أن يكون عنده مال فاضل عن حوائجه الأصلية قدر ما يشتري أو يكتري به شق محمل أو زاملة وقدر نفقته ونفقة عياله مدة ذهابه ومجيئه من غير سرف ولا تقتير
(المحيط البرهاني، كتاب المناسك، الفصل الأول: 3/392؛ إدارة)

في تفسير الزاد والراحلة...فقد قال عامة العلماء أنه شرط فلا يجب الحج بإباحة الزاد والراحلة سواء كانت الإباحة من له منة على المباح له أو كانت ممن لا منة له عليه كالأب
(بدائع الصنائع، كتاب الحج، شرائط فرضيته: 1/287؛ ديوبند)

قوله (ذي زاد وراحلة) أفاد أنه لا يجب إلا بملك الزاد وملك أجرة الراحلة فلا يجب بالإباحة أو العارية كما في البحر
(رد المحتار، كتاب الحج: 2/459؛ سعيد)

And Allah knows best

Wassalaamu `alaykum

Ml. Abrar Mirza,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

I have a friend who is around 28 years old and he has developed a bed wetting problem for past 8 to 9 years and the problem is not geting away but actually getting worse. Now.... PDF Print E-mail

Q: 45 – Title: I have a friend who is around 28 years old and he has developed a bed wetting problem for past 8 to 9 years and the problem is not geting away but actually getting worse. Now....


I have a friend who is around 28 years old and he has developed a bed wetting problem for past 8 to 9 years and the problem is not geting away but actually getting worse. Now sometimes he says urine droplets also comes out while he is awake during the day time as well (especially in the mornings). He is very frustrated and dejected with this problem, as it affecting his state of cleanliness.

Now he wants to go for Umrah and Hajj. However is afraid whether in this condition can he go for the pilgramage at holy sites, which requires highest state of clealiness. What if he has urine droplets coming out while he is Ihram performing Tawaaf or other rituals in state of Wudoo or he wets Ihram while asleep at night. What is the punishment for that and what is the expiation for this (if any).

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

A person with such an illness could go for hajj and umrah. He should ensure to prevent the urine drops from soiling the masjid. For example, he could place toilet paper or something to absorb the urine drops. If his ihram happens to get soiled, he should wash it. It is permissible to wear adult pampers during ihram to save the masjid and ones ihram from becoming soiled

Whilst doing tawaf if his wudhu breaks then he should renew his wudhu and thereafter complete his tawaf.

Continuously make dua to Allah Ta’ala for cure. Drink a lot of zam-zam water. Also consult a medical doctor or hakim for treatment.

Below is a reproduce of fatwa number 16254:


Many people are of the misconception that Ihram refers to the two pieces of cloth one puts on during Hajj and Umrah. In reality, it refers to the sacred state one is required to enter into, in order to fulfil the rituals of Hajj and Umrah. It is only a condition for the validity of Ihram that one puts on only such clothing that is not sewn to the shape of a human body. Wearing only two pieces of cloth is not a condition for the validity of Ihram. It will be permissible to wear only one piece of cloth or more than two pieces of cloth, as long as they are not sewn to the shape of the body and the awrah (the parts of the body that are compulsory to cover) is not exposed.

(Mu’alim al-Hujjaj Pg.105 – Nazim Kutub Khana)

(Fatawa Raheemiyah Vol.8 Pg.74 – Darul Isha’at)

In the light of the above mentioned, it will be permissible for one to wear an adult disposable diaper, as it is not sewn to the shape of the body.
This is further supported by the ruling passed by Mufti Rasheed Ahmed Ludhyanwi, wherein he permits hernia patients to wear a langoot (a cloth generally worn by wrestlers between the legs to conceal nakedness) to avoid protrusion of intestines into the testicles.
(Ahsan al-Fatawa Vol.4 Pg.531 – H.M. Sa'eed Company)

Being in the state of purity is not a condition for the validity of Ihram. Therefore, it will be permissible for your father to travel in the state of impurity, as long as he purifies himself before engaging in any act of worship or entering the Haram.
(Aapke Masail aur Unka Hal Vol.4 Pg.106 – Maktaba Ludhyanwi)

And Allah knows best

Wassalamu Alaikum

Ml. Ishaq E. Moosa,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

Is it necessary to get married before performing Hajj??? PDF Print E-mail

Q: 46 – Title: Is it necessary to get married before performing Hajj???


Is it necessary to get married before performing Hajj???

I have heard through people that it is necessary to get married before performing Hajj, is this necessary that one should be married before going for Hajj. Please guide me in this regard and advise that what Hadeeh of Prophet (PBUH) is on the person who don’t have any debt on it and also have sufficient amount of money and he don’t go for Hajj…..

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

It is not necessary to get married before performing Hajj.  You should convey this answer to the people who you heard say to the contrary.

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم has encouraged us to rush towards Hajj and not delay it when it becomes compulsory on us [i].  In fact, as a severe warning to those who unnecessarily delay their Hajj, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم mentioned that, if they wish, they may die as a Jew or a Christian [ii].  This does not mean that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم gave such a person an option to die as one of the two.  Rather, it is a form of speech to show extreme displeasure and a stern warning.  From this, one should understand the severity of unnecessarily delaying his/her Hajj.

حدثنا مسدد حدثنا أبو معاوية محمد بن خازم عن الأعمش عن الحسن بن عمرو عن مهران أبى صفوان عن ابن عباس قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من أراد الحج فليتعجل
(سنن أبي داود، كتاب المناسك: 2/75؛ العربي)

حدثنا محمد بن يحيى القطعي البصري حدثنا مسلم بن إبراهيم حدثنا هلال بن عبد الله مولى ربيعة بن عمرو بن مسلم الباهلي حدثنا أبو إسحق الهمداني عن الحارث عن علي قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم من ملك زادا وراحلة تبلغه إلى بيت الله ولم يحج فلا عليه أن يموت يهوديا أو نصرانيا وذلك أن الله يقول في كتابه ولله على الناس حج البيت من استطاع إليه سبيلا قال أبو عيسى هذا حديث غريب لا نعرفه إلا من هذا الوجه وفي إسناده مقال و هلال بن عبد الله مجهول و الحارث يضعف في الحديث
(سنن الترمذي، كتاب الحج، باب التغليظ في ترك الحج: 3/176؛ إحياء التراث)

ورواه البيهقي أيضا عن عبد الرحمن بن سابط عن أبي أمامة عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال من لم تحبسه حاجة ظاهرة أو مرض حابس أو سلطان جائر ولم يحج فليمت إن شاء يهوديا وإن شاء نصرانيا
(الترغيب والترهيب، كتاب الحج: 2/137؛ العلمية)

And Allah knows best

Wassalamu Alaikum

Ml. Abrar Mirza,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

When leaving for umrah from south africa and going to makkah first, Can to read the salaatul ihraam in south africa and wear a kurta, socks and shoes etc. until just before you PDF Print E-mail

Q: 44 – Title: When leaving for umrah from south africa and going to makkah first, Can to read the salaatul ihraam in south africa and wear a kurta, socks and shoes etc. until just before you


When leaving for umrah from south africa and going to makkah first, Can to read the salaatul ihraam in south africa and wear a kurta, socks and shoes etc. until just before you reach the meqaat. upon reaching the meqaat you remove all clothing not permissible in the state of ihraam. Is it permissible to do so?


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

The preferred method of donning the ihram is as follows:
A person should clip his nails and remove any unwanted hair. Take a ghusl for ihram or at least should perform wudhu. He should use the miswak, comb his hair and beard and apply itr (scent). Thereafter he should remove all sewn clothes and put on his best clothes. Preferably new or washed clothes. It should be white in colour. Thereafter, he should perform two rak’ahs and preferably recite surah Kafiroon in the first rak;ah and surah Ikhlas in the second rak’ah. Thereafter, he should make intention and recite the talbiyyah whilst sitting facing towards the qibla. Thereafter, he should make dua.

A person only becomes a muhrim (enters the state of ihram) after making intention and reciting the talbiyyah.

Performing the two rak’ahs of ihram is sunnah. It is makrooh to enter into ihram without performing these two rak’ahs except if a person adorns the ihram at a time when it is makrooh to perform salah. It is mustahab for a person to enter into ihram immediately after performing the two rak’ahs of salah without much a delay.

If a person is going from South Africa, he could perform these two rak’ahs on the plane.

Refer to:
Manasik Mullah Ali Qari Pg 91 & 96-100 Idaratul Quran
Ghunayatul Mutamalli Pg 220 Suhail Academy

And Allah knows best

Wassalamu Alaikum

Ml. Ishaq E. Moosa,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah


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