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If the Haji is going to make Qada of the Haii he nullified, is he obligated to separate from his wife in that journey? PDF Print E-mail

Question 626) - If the Haji is going to make Qada of the Haii he nullified, is he obligated to separate from his wife in that journey?

A: No.

~ al-Quduri ~

Is there a difference between having sex deliberately and forgetfully? PDF Print E-mail

Question 625) - Is there a difference between having sex deliberately and forgetfully?

A: No. The ruling is the same.

~al-Quduri ~

What is the ruling of one who wore stitched clothing; applied fragrance; covered his head or face; shaved his head; or clipped his nails for a valid reason? PDF Print E-mail

Question 623) - What is the ruling of one who wore stitched clothing; applied fragrance; covered his head or face; shaved his head; or clipped his nails for a valid reason?

A: If the Muhrim violates any of these restrictions for a reason, e.g. he was afflicted with fever, there was severe heat or cold, headache or excessive lice then he has a choice in every situation wherein Damm is wajib to either slaughter a sheep in the Haram or give sadaqah of 3 sa' of wheat, or 6 sa' of raisins/dates/barley to 6 Miskin; giving each of them a half Sa' of wheat or a Sa' of raisins/dates/barley; or he can fast 3 days. The rule applies equally to rich and to poor.
If the violation required sadaqah instead, and he had a reason, then he has a choice Sadaqah of half Sa' of wheat or fasting a day.

~ al-Quduri ~

Explain the violations of Ihram concerning sex. PDF Print E-mail

Question 624) - Explain the violations of Ihram concerning sex.

A: They are as follows:
1. If a Muhrim of Hajj or 'Umrah kisses or touches a woman or beardless boy with lust, then he must pay Damm, whether he ejaculated or not. 2. If a Muhrim of Hajj has vaginal or anal sex before the Wuquf of 'Arafat his Hajj is void and he must slaughter a sheep. He will continue the actions of Hajj as if he is still in Hajj and will perform Qada after that year. 3. If the Hajj had sex after the Wuqf Ziyarah and before he shaves his head, Badnah and his Hajj is not void. 4. If he had sex after shaving his head, before Tawafuz Ziyarah; or after Tawafuz Ziyarah but before shaving, then he must slaughter a sheep. 5. If a Muhrim of 'umrah has sex before completing 4 circuits, then his 'Umrah is void. He must make Qada and slaughter a sheep. 6. If a Muhrim of 'umrah has sex after completing 4 circuits, then his 'Umrah is not void. He need make Qada but must slaughter a sheep.

~ al-Quduri ~

Explain the violations of the acts of Hajj. PDF Print E-mail

Question 627) - Explain the violations of the acts of Hajj.

A: There are several kinds of volitions. These include Tawaf without Taharah; omitting a Wajib; mixing the order; and delaying a Rukn or Wajib from its time. The details are as below.

~ al-Quduri ~


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