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# Article Title Hits
1 When will Hajj become Fardh for a Person? 2351
2 When the Hajj Badal is Nullified 2392
3 If a Healthy Person Sends Someone to perform the Haji Badal on his behalf? 2351
4 A Sick Person who recovers after already Sending Someone to Perform the Hajj Badal 2290
5 From where Should a Person Performing Hajj Badal Don the Ihraam? 2347
6 If the Person Performing the Hajj Badal Passes Away 2291
7 If the Person to Perform the Hajj Badal Falls ill 2256
8 Can a Muraahiq Perform Hajj Badal? 2486
9 Performing Hajj Badal without a Bequest being made 2425
10 Having the Hajj Badal Done on One's behalf During one's Lifetime 2275

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