The Time for the Eid salaah Print

The Time for the Eid salaah

Q: Salaah-544: When does the time for the Eid salaah start? Will the salaah be valid is performed 24 minutes after sunrise?

Answer: The time for the Eid salaah starts approximately 15 minutes after sunrise. However, because people need to prepare themselves in the Sunnah manner by bathing, applying perfume and dressing well, time should be allowed for all of this. Furthermore, people have to pay their Sadaqatul Fitr and others have to have from outlying areas. It is therefore inappropriate to make the salaah so early that people miss it. At the same time, it will also be Makrooh to unduly delay it for too long. If need be, it may be performed as early as possible on condition that there is no danger of people missing the salaah. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2