Need the Witr salaah be Repeated when the Isha salaah is Repeated after being Nullified? Print

Need the Witr salaah be Repeated when the Isha salaah is Repeated after being Nullified?

Q: Salaah-601: Our Imaam led the Isha and Witr salaahs, while a Haafidh Sahib led the Taraaweeh salaah. Only the following morning was it learnt that the Isha salaah had been nullified. Will it now be necessary to repeat the Witr salaah as well?

Answer: In the stated case, it will not be necessary to repeat the Witr salaah. Maa Laa Budda Minhu (P5.46) states that when the Isha salaah is performed without wudhu and the Sunnah and Witr salaahs performed with wudhu, it will be necessary to repeat only the Sunnah salaahs with the Isha salaah and not the Witr salaah. This is according to Imaam Abu Haneefah RAH. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2