Performing Salaah Bareheaded Print

Performing Salaah Bareheaded

Q: Salaah-675: Liberally minded people are increasingly promoting the fashion of performing salaah bareheaded. Please clarify the ruling?

Answer: Covering the head and wearing the Topi (hat) is part of the Islaamic dress and special significance has been attached to it. Appearing in public without any headgear conflicts with Islaamic social etiquette and the ways of Rasulullaah SAW. the Sahabah RADI. the Taabi'een and all our pious predecessors. Doing so is, in fact, emulating the ways of the Jew and the Christians. Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jaylaani RAH. writes that it is Makrooh to appear bareheaded in public. Allaama Jowzi RAH. writes, "Any person of understanding will realise that walking about bareheaded is an improper act that diminishes a person's respect and opposes proper etiquette. The Shari'ah has permitted bare headedness only during the Hajj to display one's humility and subservience to Allaah.

Now if bare headedness in public is considered to be a Makrooh act and one that opposes good etiquette, how much worse will it be when one is performing an act of worship as important as salaah? A Hadith states that a person who initiates an evil practice in Islaam shall bear the sin of the act as well as the collective sin of all those who follow suit without the magnitude of their sins being reduced.

Durrul Mukhtaar states that performing salaah bareheaded on account of one's laziness is Makrooh and Shaami (Vol.1 Pg.600) adds that doing so even on account of heat is Makrooh. In fact, if one's Topi falls off during salaah, one is instructed to replace it without engaging in Amal Katheer.

Performing salaah without a Topi is therefore an act that needs to be forsaken and is one that will lead to greater evil in future. It is an act of the sinful ones. May Allaah grant us all the ability to shun such acts. Aameen. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2