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He made the above oath and then took the amount whereby it was weighed in two weighings. What is the ruling? PDF Print E-mail

Question 2143) - He made the above oath and then took the amount whereby it was weighed in two weighings. What is the ruling?

A: If he does not engage in any other act between the weighings besides weighing, then the oath is intact. If does something else in between then it is broken.

NOTE: A ruler summons a man and makes him vow to inform the ruler of whatever corruption enters the land. This oath is specific to his rule. If the ruler loses his post the man's oath is not broken by not informing him.


1. If a man vows, "By Allaah I shall do that act," his vow is fulfilled if he does so once in his life. If he sets a condition of time or place then it must be done according to that condition or else he has violated the oath. If he vows not to ride someone's animals and he rides it his oath is broken, but not if he rides someone else's animal.
2. If he vows not to do something, "I shall not do that act," then he must avoid it for the rest of his life. If he does it even once then his oath is broken.

~ al-Quduri ~


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