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Salaah of Ramadan
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# Article Title Hits
81 It was Realised after the witr saraah that Two Rakaahs of the Taraaweeh needed to be Repeated 1798
82 Is Witr prayed in congregation out of Ramadan? 2435
83 Is Witr prayed in congregation during Ramadan? 2564
84 What is the status of congregation for men in Tarawih? 2480
85 Is this Salah Sunnah for women as well? 1773
86 What is the meaning of 5 rests? 1772
87 How is this Salah prayed in the nights of Ramadan? 2561
88 Is there an extra Salah in the month of Ramadan besides the Fard and usual Sunan? 2558
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